Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Training for the Victoria 70.3 Ironman

It all started in the kitchen of Hacienda del Sol, Costa Rica, Christmas 2009. Susan, my great friend who is a very talented raw food chef, her boyfriend, Ben, and I began talking about what it would be like to train for an Iron man. Its something that I have always wanted to do, but never thought of it as a realistic goal...untill that day. As the conversation progressed, we came to the conclusion that should only train for an Ironman, but I should train for an Ironman running on purely raw, vegan foods.

After getting all hyped up about the nutritional super powers one would surely gain by only eating the most vibrant, nutritious foods on the planet, we came decided that if someone were to actually do it, they may just become " a super human!" encompassing all the qualities of Mr.Incredible, Flash, ElastiGirl, and much more! Who wouldn't want that!

I arrived back to Canada, and signed up for my first half Ironman. I would have exactly 5 months to train, and although I had been running, I would pretty much be starting from scratch. The 70.3 mile Ironman is on June 20th 2010.

I started training on January 1st and was eating only raw foods. It lasted about 6 weeks and I began to get hungry. Instead of re evaluating the kind of fuel I was putting in my body, I incorporated grains, and heavier foods to counteract the hunger. At first the denser starches helped, and I felt less hungry. I also felt heavier, more lethargic, less motivated and had lighter sleeps. Hummm, not good.

After a month of feeling like this I decided to get back on track to my original goals. I cut out bread. I felt a little better. I cut out yams, and felt a bit better. Now 3 months into training and I'm eating 70% Raw. Each day I look at my diet and evaluate how I feel. I investigate whether the food that I am consuming is contributting or detering me from reaching optimum health.

I added hemp protein, spirulina, flax seeds, flax oil, coconut oil, vitamin B, calcium, Glucosamine, and maca to my smoothie in the morning. The green smoothie seems to help me feel stable during the day.

Despite the fact that I have improved by endurance, and am able to train hard 17 hours a week, I am still not feeling energized or fast like "Flash". I don't have the muscle power that "Mr.Incredible" has, regardless of the many hours I spend lifting weights, and my body is not supple or flexible like "Elastigirl" (even with flax oil, coconut oil, yoga and stretching) So what"s up???

I bought the Vega Thrive in 30 days book yesterday and am going to try some recipes in there and see what happens. Ill be gearing up for a long ride in the morning, hopefully 5+ hours. Lets see what happens.

I want to be a believer!! I'm just not yet.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Come to Our Grad Show!!---NOW HERE: An Exhibit of the University of Victoria’s Graduating Artists

NOW HERE: An Exhibit of the University of Victoria’s Graduating Artists

(Victoria, BC) – On Friday, April 16, NOW HERE, an exhibit of artwork by
the University of Victoria’s graduating visual art students, will kick off
with it’s opening gala. The show features work from each student, and
represents the culmination of four or more years of intense study by a
diverse group of emerging artists. For many, it is their debut into the
Canadian art scene.

NOW HERE will be held in the Visual Arts building at the University of
Victoria from April 16 to April 23. The opening gala on the 16th begins at
6:00 PM, with speeches at 7:00 PM from members of the fine arts faculty.
At this time the Helen Pitt Award will be presented to one promising
graduating artist.

Everyone is welcome. No admission fee. For more information, please
contact the University of Victoria’s visual arts department at (250)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The realization of an active junky

I use to think the word “fartlek” was amusing, and bonking had sexual connotations written all over it. That was before I began training for Triathlons.

Don’t get me wrong, I have always loved the outdoors, as well as enjoyed almost every sport under the sun, but it wasn’t until recently that I began referring to the front hall in my house as the Transition area.

I grew up in Nelson B.C Canada where my back yard was my adventure land. I spent my winters on the slopes, and summers in fresh water lakes windsurfing, rowing, water skiing, and diving. I played tennis, golfed, rock climbed, and later took up surfing, kayaking, and a number of other adventure sports. In retrospect I suppose I have always been an exercise junky, but growing up it was hard to spot when my family reunions consisted of setting up Dexathon relay races as our “fun” family day long activity.

Recently, while riding my bike, a car was fallowing me too closely, I immediately I accused him of Drafting. It was then that it hit me; sports had completely become my way of life. My friends look forward to the day when I slow down, and wish I would floss at night not to simply get the bugs out of my teeth. Many people wouldn’t know I have blond hair because, now, its most often tucked under a swim cap or bike helmet.

The person who sees me the most is the 19-year-old kid that works at the bike shop down the street, and I am now quite friendly with the mailman, who I run into every morning when I get back from my swim. After dinner, I sneak to my room to journal about my training sessions, and spend hours researching the best and most effective gear as well as training and health tips. When I finally make my self go to sleep, I often am woken to my legs suspended in the air…. Peddling. And I laugh to my self, and think.. good job, your maximizing even your sleep time.

Spirulina changed my life. Fact.

Ok no one likes to get gross green stuff all stuck in their teeth and all over their lips and face. It really isn't that attractive, but, I have to say, GET OVER IT!!! Check out these health benefits of Spirulina and let them over ride vanity!

psssst........check this out!! Spirulina is 65 to 71 percent complete protein, with all essential amino acids in perfect balance. In comparison, beef is only 22 percent protein. Tell that to your uncle who is on your ass about becoming a vegetarian.

Health Benefits:

It's the highest protein food- over 60% all digestible vegetable protein.
Boosts energy and vitality
Regulates blood sugar
Decreases appetite
Helps to control your weight
Reduces inflammations
Boosts your immunity and energy levelsRemoves heavy metals (cadmium, arsenic, mercury, lead, PCB, ...)
Protects from environmental toxins
Increases mental energy
Repairs DNA damage
Reduces high blood pressure
Increases antibody responses
Accelerates recovery from any illness
Improves digestion
Increases energy and alertness
Improves gastrointestinal and digestive health
Enhances natural cleansing and detoxification
It has the highest concentration of beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals and the rare essential fatty acid GLA.
reduces PMS and helps to give beautiful skin
promotes Healthy Eyes and Vision: Spirulina is the richest Beta Carotene food carotenoids. About half are orange carotenes: alpha, beta and gamma and half are yellow xanthophylls. They work synergistically at different sites in our body to enhance antioxidant protection.
Spirulina is an ideal anti-aging food: concentrated nutrient value, easily digested and loaded with antioxidants.
Inhibits replication of HIV-1, Herpes, Influenza, Mumps and Measles virus
Prevents and in some cases also reverses cancer (all types)
Supports the formation of red blood cells
Protects you against allergic reactions
Reduces blood cholesterol
Protects against arthritis
Protects against multiple sclerosis
Protects against asthma
Protects against cardiovascular diseases
Protects kidney and liver
Protects against degenerative diseases
Protects brain against age-related memory loss
Treats gum bleeding
Treats diabetes
Treats hypoglycemia
Helps to generate new blood cells
Reduces the incidence of eye diseases
Treats essential acid deficiencies
Treats mineral deficiencies
Treats intestinal ulcers
Treats constipation
Treats hemorrhoids
Treats depression
Boosts resistance to toxins
Improves healthy bowel function
Increases antioxidant protection
Helps to recover from ilnesses faster
Removes body odor
Boosts energy and vitality
Strengthens and balances your health
Prolongs your life